The Future of Skillscape

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The Future of Skillscape

by AndriesCoetsee » Wed Feb 19, 2025 8:17 am

The Future of Skillscape

Now that I was able to launch my official website, the future of Skillscape is going to change. I am planning many exciting changes for the project, and I am happy to share these with you. So what's on the horizon for Skillscape? Here is what I have planned:

Skillscape CV

This is already a feature of the project. What Skillscape CV is meant to do, is empower people who don't have access to resources by providing an online CV. This allows them to have a sharable link to a professional CV that can be sent to potential employers.

However, this part of the website/project is going to get an upgrade with a brand new web design that is easy to navigate and user friendly. This will make it easy for users to find and share their CV when hunting for job opportunities while saving costs on printing.

Skillscape Job Board:

This is also a feature that is already being utilized on the project. Not many changes are going to be implemented here. The job board will remain a free place where people can get information about jobs, courses and other means of self empowerment when looking for employment.

Skillscape Social Network

This is something that I am very excited about! Imagine a social media network that pays it's users to post. This will provide an income opportunity for many. So what's it all about?

In the past I have raised my concerns about the unethical mishandling of data by Big AI companies when training their machine learning models. Skillscape SN will be an answer to this problem. By paying people for their data and reselling it to AI companies, we can finally have AI tools that are trained ethically and not on stolen or copyrighted data. Everybody wins!

Skillscape Empowerment

This will be a freelancing platform similar to Upwork, Freelancer etc. which will provide jobs and opportunities for many. Employers and freelancers will be able to connect and work on projects together. I hope to be able to roll out this platform in the future.
